Saturday, April 13, 2013

Day 11, 12 & 13 - 21 DSD - Kinda sick of the stupid detox.

I work on a computer all day and then come home and do Young Life volunteer stuff on a computer and so some days I'm dead sick of using a computer by the end of the day. So Day 11, 12 & 13 aren't getting recorded until now.

Day 11 :
Lunch: Rotisserie chicken with zucchini, tomatoes, onions, and poutry seasoning - delicious!!
Dinner: Tacos (minus chips) + 1 green apple

Mental state: Woke up super exhausted. Made an effort at lunch because I knew I had to make something good. Felt sick of the stupid detox. There were Lindor chocolates in the library at work and I really wanted to eat one. But I didn't.
Dinner was a potluck bible study so it was easy enough. After dinner we stopped by a Young Adults hang out thing. On the table were 3 plates of huge chocolate brownies. I couldn't stop staring at them. They spoke to me. I ignored them. Jay took 2 and put them in the freezer for after the detox.

Day 12:
Breakfast: 1 green apple
Lunch: Rotisserie chicken with zucchini, tomatoes, onions, and poutry seasoning - delicious!! + 1 green apple
Dinner: Ground beef with zucchini and cheddar cheese

Mental state:
All day I daydreamed about those huge chocolate brownies that I had seen last night. I envisioned stuffing my face over and over. That night I made some banana icecream. Needed something to make me feel treated.

Day 13:
Breakfast: 2 eggs with 1 slice of cheese
Lunch: Nothing. Forgot to eat it.
Dinner: Rotisserie chicken with zucchini, tomatoes, onions, and poutry seasoning - a charming meal didn't mind making it twice.

Mental state:
Today (Day 13) was hard. We started a fundraiser and I forgot to eat lunch so was super tired and cranky. It turned out to be a bit of a gong show as the instructions were crappy and some of the info was wrong (we were delivering Telus phonebooks - to addresses that were messed up). I went and go gas and really wanted to buy something junky and sugary to stuff down my throat. But I didn't.
Came home after and made the rotisserie chicken dish for dinner. Easy and yummy. Left to go to see a friend for her bday party.

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