Saturday, April 6, 2013

Day 6 - 21 DSD - Saying No to Chocolate-Covered Strawberries

Day 6. Um. This might be the day we cheat. I shouldn't say that I know I'm practically giving myself permission but you gotta understand the circumstances...

Young Life decided to pay for us to stay in a nice hotel in Edmonton to thank us for all the volunteering we do.

We set off on our road trip this morning armed with apples, and nutty banana-apple "cookies". We both had eggs with tomato for breakfast and I thought it'd be a breeze. Sure we'd be away from home, unable to make a selective sugar-free meal, but it was Edmonton - there are tons of options - right?

Uhh. Right - except for the fact that we had booked Jay's car in to get the windshield replaced and so our only lunch options were within walking distance. We opted for Mc Fatty's as Jay said they had great salads there. Turns out the salads aren't all that great when you can't have dressing. Rabbit food plain and simple. Still I felt good about myself, looking around at all the chunky people gorging themselves on sugar and calorie-loaded junk food. I was feeling great so I had no reason to complain.

Did a bit of shopping and then went to pick up the car. BAM. Sudden headache and crazy tiredness. I just wanted to crawl into a dark room and close my eyes. Maybe my blood sugar was low, I dunno. The banana-apple cookies were tasting less and less tasty as the day wore on.

I started fantasizing about all the sugary foods I could be eating right then. Marble slab icecream, chocolate, cookies, ahhhhh. This was so wrong! I started googling "can you have a cheat day on the 21 day sugar detox". It was not a good idea. The people that had failed said yes. The people that didn't give in, reminded you how hard it was.

We decided that Jay would drop me off at the hotel so I could close my eyes and he would pop by Canadian Tire. I walked into the hotel suite. Nice big room.  Put my bags down. This was going to be a great romantic weekend. It was then that my eyes fell on what was on the table.
A bottle of wine in a bucket of ice accompanied by a rose and two wine glasses. Next to that was a lovely plate with chocolate-covered strawberries. My heart took a leap! Aw so romantic! This was awesome! It was then that it hit me - oh, right. We're on a sugar detox. This isn't allowed. CRAP CRAP CRAP.

Suddenly my headache was gone and I sat down with renewed vigor to write this post. I needed to document the day. I needed accountability. Ahhhhhh. I just knew that when Jay walked in the door and saw this he was gonna throw the sugar detox right out the window. But I also knew that eating sugar might just make the headache thing a whole lot worse. What to do?!!

Jay walked in and decided today would be his cheat day. First he tried to force feed me a strawberry but I refused to give in. He happily gobbled up the chocolates on the plate.

We went off to the mall and were taunted by delicious aromas. Then we went to Red Lobster. By this time I was starving. I was a good girl and passed up the biscuits and ordered a steak with salad, broccoli, and asparagus. And no dessert of course!

Then we went to see "Olympus Fallen" and we passed up popcorn or any treats. Not gonna lie I wanted candy but I found as the day wore on it got easier and easier to resist. Eating a big meal probably helped too. All in all, Jay really only gave in for one meal (having fries and a biscuit) and the chocolate treats in our room. For me Day 6 = SUCCESS! (And for Jay - not as bad as it could have been...)

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